This is First St. John Lutheran Church’s community of women created in the image of God called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  They commit themselves to grow in faith, affirm their gifts, support one another in their callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world.

Officers for 2017

President                             Sue Ann Rogers

Vice- President                Chris Hunsaker

Secretary                             Darlene Lorenzen

Treasurer                            Esther Bell

Mission Action                    

The following is a list of activities that the Women of the Church are involved in year round.  This does not include needs that may arise at any given time that the group may support.

Quilting…January – March. Workshops are every Mon 9:30-2:00. Quilts are given to Lutheran World Relief, local dialysis center, some to local shelters and kept on hand for anyone in need.

Health Kits…items needed…1 hand towel, 1wash cloth, 1 bath size bar of soap, 1 toothbrush, 6 bandaids, 1 comb, 1 nail file, 1 tube toothpaste

Layettes…items needed…2 shirts, 2 washcloths, 4 cloth diapers, 2 safety pins, 1 bar soap, 2 gowns or sleepers, 2 receiving blankets, 1 sweater, clean used items are OK

Feed Your Neighbor…peanut butter, cereals, soups, baby food, canned meats/tuna, pasta products, canned fruits/vegetables, instant milk, no glass containers

Operation Christmas Child…flyers available from Deb Ladd for items needed. School supplies, small toys, etc.

Hats/Mittens...handmade or store bought. These are given to elementary schools with teachers from our church.

Campbell’s products UPC symbols and General Mills Box tops for Education…these are given to First St. John Dayschool.

Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts to homebound members

Rummage Sale...profits go to Haydom Hospital in Africa and to local benevolence

Birthday bingo parties at Lutheran Home at Toledo…twice a year

Bereavement Committee...help with luncheons after funerals

Sunshine….cards sent to hospitalized members

Altar Guild cares for the appearance of the Altar and sets up for communion.

Chicken and Ham Dinner...this is our biggest fundraiser for year. This helps funds many activities and projects throughout the year.  It not only raises money, but is our best time for fellowship not just with our own members but with people from the whole area